
Android development

While developing Android application, we have worked across different technology-sets Android has introduced from time to time. Our expertise in Android app development is featured by the competence to use the latest innovations. Our Android developers have used the latest functional possibilities offered by the latest Android operating systems and channelized them to suit our client requirements.



Software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.


Tablets are a fast-growing part of the Android installed base that offers new opportunities for your apps.

Android TV

Android TV is a new variant of Google's mobile OS aimed at TVs, game consoles and set top boxes.

Android Studio

The official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android platform development.


Realm enables any development team, no matter the size, to include difficult-to-build features like two‑way data sync and real time collaboration.


Android-based initiative, using Google's mobile operating system and a dedicated software, development kit to kick-start the wearables space.

Android SDK

Provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device and allows you to focus on building unique and high quality apps.


One of the most widely-used formats for sharing structured information today: between programs, between people, between computers and people, both locally and across networks.

React Native

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.